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How to Start an Online Business without any Technical Skill

How to Start an Online Business without any Technical Skill

There are several ideas out there waiting to be converted into successful online business ventures. But most of the ideas remain untapped, just because people don’t know how to start an online business when they have no technical skill but just an idea.

Most of the people lack technical skills and they either end up wasting time gaining skills or they don’t start it at all.

I often meet people who come up with awesome business ideas, but they lack technical skills. And what I suggest them every time, is what I am gonna tell my blog readers today.

I have a habit of updating my knowledge about latest technology advancements and service providers around the world that are literally changing the way of doing business.

And I am going to tell you, what are your options if you have an idea to start a business (especially online business) but you do not know how to start it.

How to Start an Online Business if you do not have any technical skill ?

The broader answer to this question is to go with ecommerce platforms to get your store online.

Ecommerce platforms basically provide you all the necessary services required to start an online store, like ecommerce website, ssl certificates, payment collection system or payment gateways, shipping solutions and store management software etc.

And these platforms resolves your problem of setting up an online store and helps you throughout to create business and turn your idea into successful venture.

There are plenty of ecommerce platforms out there. like shopifybigcommerceshopio, kartrocket, storehippo and several others like them.

But before I tell you which one is better for your business, let me first guide you step by step about the things required to start an online business, if one does not choose to go with any ecommerce platform.

Step 1: You need to buy a domain name or simply we call it a website name (www.forexample.com)

Step 2: Need to buy a web hosting plan suitable as per your business requirement

Step 3: Find a web developer to build an online store for you, which costs $20/hr to $100/hr

Step 4: Need to find payment gateway solution to start collecting online payments on your website

Step 5: Finalize products/services and a proper methodalogy to start selling them online

Step 6: Find a way to deliver product or services on time, through proper channel

Step 7: Finalize methods to market and SEOs/SEM your brand

And these are the things which these ecommerce platforms provide you in one go and for better prices per month, that too with customer support and business creation tips.

Now is the time to tell you which one is cheaper and which one is better overall

Which is the best ecommerce platform to start an online venture ?

The cheapest among all is Shopio, whose prices starts from $19.95/mo. And you can start your trial for 14 days for free with them.

The Second option among these is Shopify, whose prices start from $29/mo and have similar 14 days free trial option.

Rest of them are costlier than these two, and for providing similar services, so I am not even trying to tell you why you should choose them.

Among Shopio and Shopify, the more sensible plans are of Shopio, since they just offer you, what is all required at particular stage of business as per their pricing-plan divisions and not just brag about offering something for unlimited.

Also, I found Shopio more simpler and easy to use as compared to shopify.

On the other hand Shopify has more themes and plugins available, so you can customize your webstore with more options.

Still I would suggest you to go with Shopio, since it is much easier and better for starting an online store for beginners and people who have lesser knowledge of store creation. In addition to that, you will be paying lesser amount per month, which is an essential thing for a startup to cut cost.

If you have any reviews or comments, feel free to share them with us in the comment box below.

Share max with your friends looking to start an online store.

Simplest Guide – How to Start a WordPress Blog (step by step)

Simplest Guide - How to Start a WordPress Blog (step by step)

Blogging is probably the best way to express your views and tell people around the world about your experiences, your innovations, your thesis and all. But people often don’t really know how to start a wordpress blog or a blog at all.

I have been writing since 2015 on blogs, just to share my wordpress designing experiences, travelling experiences as well as to share tips related to business startups.

In my case (fortunately) I knew how to start a blog and how to start everything related to it. But there are plenty of people out there who have so much potential and so much knowledge to share, who don’t know how and where to start a blog for minimal cost.

I am writing this article to enable those potential writers who want to start their own blog for a hobby or as a profession.

Since I know how complicated it can go, if proper steps are not followed to start a blog, I will be telling here the simplest possible steps to start a blog on wordpress.

So, before we start.. let us talk about what all do we need to start a blog on wordpress.

What all things do we need to start a WordPress blog?

There are only 2 things that are required to start a Blog or any website on internet..

  1. The very first thing that you need is a domain name (your website name e.g. paraamarsh.in in my case)
  2. Second, but another crucial thing is web hosting (where your website will be stored on internet)
  3. Installing WordPress on your web hosting

How to Start a WordPress Blog (step by step)

Let me start with the domain name..

It is the website address on internet, like facebook.com which you enter in the search/url bar to open a particular website. And one have to register a domain name on his/her name before starting a website.

For buying a domain name, I suggest

Steps to Register a domain name on Namecheap:

Step1 – Find your domain name


Step 2- Add domain name to the cart, continue to the cart

Step 3- Continue to make payment, to register the website name on your name

The similar procedure can be adopted for registering domain name with any other provider too.

Now when you have successfully registered a domain name, now’s the turn for web hosting. It is the space that you buy to host your website on internet.

To buy a website, my suggestions are:

Steps to buy hosting:

Step 1- Choose a basic plan

web hosting itsmydomain

choose a plan for hosting itsmydomain

Step 2- Enter your registered domain name to link the hosting order with that domain

Step 3- Create your Hosting account with your details and continue to checkout

Now comes a stage of setting up wordpress:

After buying domain name and web hosting for your blog you need to login to cpanel of your web hosting

cpanel login

Go to the softaculous/Quickinstall icon in the cpanel; find and install “WordPress”

softaculous installer

install wordpress

After WordPress installation, you will need to login to your admin panel from


login wp-admin

where yourdomain.com will be replaced by the website name bought by you previously..

Login here with the admin details you’ve created while installing wordpress.

That’s it you are all set to start writing your blog now..

Just go to POSTS in the dashboardca and start writing your first article.

Furthermore, you can change theme of the blog from APPEARANCE menu on the left.

Isn’t it easier than you thought??

Share it with your writer/potential blogger friends and let them know how easy it is..

The Ultimate e-Commerce Guide to Starting an Online Business

The Ultimate e-Commerce Guide to Starting an Online Business

Starting an e-commerce business is not a single day’s work. It needs ample amount of research – upon the product/s you will be selling, research upon the the business process/plan, and the research upon how to sell, or in other words which platform to use to start with.

To make things easier, we have come up with a simplest guide to start an online business.

Since I am currently heading 2 successful brands, and most importantly I frequently meet several startup founders for helping getting their business started (also this is what one of my brand does), I can tell you in a much better and simpler way, with comparison that which method will work best for your level of requirements.

See The Ultimate e-Commerce Guide to Starting an Online Business a list made easy for you

Now lets start with what comes first-

  1. Research upon the products/services: 
    The very first step to start planning with is to know, what you are going to sell in the starting of the business.

This research depends upon:

  1. the competition of the products/services in the market
  2. feasibility and probability of successful selling of that product/service in the market
  3. beating the price war

Now if you are able to get the profitable answer to the above mentioned 3 points, you are all set to research upon the business plan and business model.

2. Research upon the business model you will be following: 
Your success in your venture completely depends upon the business model and the process of doing business you are adopting.

For example there could be 2 basic models of selling – “Marketplace” another one is “selling your items”

Now it’s upto you to opt the business model which can provide you the maximum profit in the first 3-4 quarters.

It is also noteworthy that, starting a business with one model could be changed afterwards as per your market demand and profits. You can also mix two models, which are generally preferred by the founders, since it provides benefits of both marketplace as well as direct selling.

Now when you know the list of products/items you will be selling online along with a proper business plan, now is the time to research which online or ecommerce platform to use for selling your items.

3. Choosing the perfect platform for your online business:
It is crucial to choose the platform for e-commerce site wisely. Since your whole business will depend upon this platform’s performance.

Choice of ecommerce platform

You can choose between following e-commerce platforms for your online business:

Now let me tell you what you should be looking for before you choose a platform for your online business.

  1. Scalability options
  2. Option for custom integrations
  3. It should have an option for Payment Gateway integrations
  4. Option for Shipping integrations
  5. Option for website traffic analysis
  6. Easy product upload and
  7. Easy inventory management

When you are all set to choose the platform, its time to get your business registered as per your country’s norms.

Also, before setting up ecommerce platform, you must be ready with your product photographs (if reqd. ) and product description to upload on your website.

After setting up the products and setting up your company’s registration along with the other tax registrations (as per your country’s norms) your ecommerce business is all set to roar in the market.


Setting up an online business is not an easy task as it generally looks like and it takes lots of efforts as well as time to implement your ideas. This article is a simple list of things you must keep in mind while implementing your precious idea. Do let me know about if you need any help regarding this in the comment section, also mention your country’s name so that i can help you in a better and precise way.

Do not forget to share!
