Ecommerce - Paraamarsh Business Blog Everything you Need for a Business Mon, 12 Sep 2022 23:09:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What are the Pros and Cons of starting an Online Business as a Beginner? Mon, 12 Sep 2022 23:08:17 +0000 Starting an Online business is somewhat easier today, with plenty of DIY resources available to everyone. But there are Pros and Cons of everything, and starting an online business too has its own pros and cons. We will be discussing the Pros and Cons of starting an Online Business here in depth, with my experience […]

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Starting an Online business is somewhat easier today, with plenty of DIY resources available to everyone. But there are Pros and Cons of everything, and starting an online business too has its own pros and cons.

We will be discussing the Pros and Cons of starting an Online Business here in depth, with my experience of past 5 years.

Pros of starting an Online Business as a beginner:

  • Easy to start
  • Requires lesser capital comparatively
  • Has reach to multiple cities from the start
  • Can be done along with fulltime/part time job
  • Independence and not working under someone else

1. Easy to Start:

The best thing about online businesses, is that you get a website or app, have products to sell and you are ready to go.

Facebook provides option on personal accounts too to run ads, as simple as that.

People even are selling online through instagram pages and whatsapp.

2. Requires lesser capital comparatively:

Since online businesses can be started and operated using a pc/laptop, internet connection and products to sell, you can save much on lease/renting a office or warehouse space for the start.

One can operate it from home with no much hassle. And requires no shelves, no shops or fancy showrooms where the major chunk of money goes for offliners.

3. Reach to multiple cities from the start:

This is probably the best thing about running an online business.

In an offline business, you only reach customers of that area or at most of that city. But in case of online business, you have reach to whole country’s customer base right from the day 1.

And that improves you chances of growth and getting orders.

4. Can be done along with fulltime/part time job:

I have seen several entrepreneurs, who have not left their regular job and are doing online business with great success especially on amazon.

And this is one of those benefits that online business has to offer to their owners. Since all you have to be good at is selling online, and you hire a guy/girl for packing and labelling of orders everyday and you are done.

5. Independence and not working under someone else

Online business just like any other business provides self dependency and freedom from 9-5 hassle.

It provides a sense of independence and self sufficiency.

Cons of starting an Online Business as a beginner

  • Huge competition in the market
  • Difficult for smaller players to get orders
  • Financial stability is a myth
  • People copy your idea and end up ruining the market

1. Huge competition in the market:

With the massive growth in past decade, this segment is getting saturated. With lesser advertisement alternatives of facebook-instagram and google ads, it is becoming difficult and costlier to get orders and keeping the ROAS profitable.

2. Difficult for smaller players to get orders

If you are new with low customer base and low following, it will be difficult for you to get orders. As people don’t trust new online businesses, all thanks to scamsters who have ruined the trust factor recently.

3. Financial stability is a myth

If you are bootstrapping, you will find it difficult to manage funds enough to be able to keep business and you personal finances stable.

Better you get VC or angel investment as soon as you can get it.

4. People copy your idea and end up ruining the market

People in Indian subcontinent have a habit of copying things and not doing something new of their own.

As soon as you come up with something fresh and new, somebody will try to copy it and bring in their cheap copy of it in the market. And ultimately end up ruining the market for both.

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How To Target Country Specific Website Traffic in 2022 Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:57:08 +0000 Most of the bloggers these days monetize their blogs and wants to earn money online through Google adsense and other affiliate ads. And for getting better results (in terms of money) countries like U.S.A. and United Kingdom are known to be best for getting highest CPC. Targeting for the Country Specific website traffic is known […]

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Most of the bloggers these days monetize their blogs and wants to earn money online through Google adsense and other affiliate ads. And for getting better results (in terms of money) countries like U.S.A. and United Kingdom are known to be best for getting highest CPC. Targeting for the Country Specific website traffic is known to be a good strategy to jumpstart your blog.

In simple terms people from these countries when click your ads on your website/blog, you will be paid more as compared to clicks from other coutries.

Moreover, in case of affiliate ads also, people from US and UK buy more stuffs, since they have higher purchasing power.

Now it becomes important for us to know how we can target our blog to specific country for getting indexed more frequently in that country and getting more traffic from those countries too.

How to Target Country Specific Website Traffic

1). Buy Country Specific Domain Name

It’s better option to buy the country specific domain name for your blog or website so that search engines can automatically prefer your website in that country

Learn more about gTLDs and domain name extensions here

2). Use Geo-Targeting in Google Search Console

You can target your gTLDs (.com , .net, org) domain names to specific country’s audience using Google Search console by telling Google Search Engine to which country you are writing your content for.

Target your domain for a specific country here

This video by Google will tell you how can use Google’s Geo-Targeting for your website

3). Try Google Trends for Finding Country Specific trending topics

Google trends is best option to find out the trending topics in a particular country, which can help increase your audience from particular country, since you will be writing about what is trending and what people want to read.

4). Make content more country specific

Try to use local words and terminology along with the language of your target country. It will increase your search engine visibility as well as readability and acceptance in that country.

Since now the readers will feel more familier with the content and type of writing, which can boost up your audience base and support from that country.

5). Web Hosting Server Location

Choose your server’s location in your target country so that, your website will open more quickly in that country as compared to server located in another country.

And Search engines these days rank on the basis of site speed. And now when your website is loading faster in that country, your website will also get higher rank in the search engine results in that particular location.

You can also use SEMrush to track the country specific website audience and overview details.

Do tell us if you follow any other method for targeting your website for a specific country!

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Paypal Alternatives for Receiving Online Payments Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:43:33 +0000 I have been using Paypal from last 3-4 years for receiving online payments, and I love it for its easy to setup features, but the few things which I find annoying and made me find the Paypal alternatives are, its high transaction charges and conversion of money at its own fixed rate. Another reason for […]

The post Paypal Alternatives for Receiving Online Payments appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

I have been using Paypal from last 3-4 years for receiving online payments, and I love it for its easy to setup features, but the few things which I find annoying and made me find the Paypal alternatives are, its high transaction charges and conversion of money at its own fixed rate.

Another reason for finding Paypal alternatives is.. I am an Indian user, where due to RBI’s restrictions it doesn’t provide us complete features. For example we can not use it as a wallet for sending/receiving money to the Indian users like any other user in US.

Though it’s easy to use and easiest to setup with your website, it still have several drawbacks which always makes one think of finding an alternative to Paypal.

And when I started browsing for similar, trustworthy alternatives to it I ended up making a top 5 list of Paypal alternatives.

Best Paypal alternatives for Bloggers, Freelancers and even for SMBs

1). Payoneer


Payoneer has emerged as the best alternative to Paypal in the recent years. It provides you with a Payoneer prepaid Mastercard for making online payments and for withdrawing your earned and received money.

Best thing is it is now available with most of the websites which previously used to offer only Paypal as option or no option at all. For example: you can use Payoneer for receiving Amazon’s affiliate money in any country where Payoneer works.

The Good:

  • Easy to setup
  • Provides best and efficient conversion of money
  • Supported by upwork for freelancers
  • Provides an option to receive Global Payments in Local bank accounts (which is the best thing)

The bad:

  • Comparatively high ATM withdrawal rates
  • Customer Service not up to the mark

Signup here with Payoneer and you can get free $25 in your account.

2). Skrill


Skrill is no doubt the best alternative to not only Paypal but also to Payoneer since its transaction rates are lowest and the best in the market for receiving and sending online payments.

It is most easy to setup, in addition it is most easiest to use too.

Signing up for Skrill is free you can sign up here

3). Stripe

stripe alternative to paypal

Stripe provides you an option to use Buy button on your website, to start receiving payments on your website just like Paypal’s buy button.

The best thing about stripe is its low transaction charges 2.9% + 30cents, which makes it one of the best paypal alternative.

The Good:

  • Low transaction charges, furthermore there is no AMC.
  • You can integrate it with most of the major ecommerce platforms like shopify
  • You can receive payments from all over the world

The Bad:

  • It is available for the merchants of US, Australia, Ireland, Canada and UK only
  • Requires programming skill to integrate (needs sandbox testing)
  • There’s a Waiting time after transaction for receiving funds

Signup with Stripe for free

4). 2Checkout

2CO or 2Checkout has emerged as one of the best paypal alternative with almost comparable transaction rates worldwide.


It offers several currencies for transaction hence you can use it for receiving online payments from almost any part of the world.

Signup with 2Checkout for free

5). Razorpay


Razorpay is an alternative to Paypal which in some terms is much better than Paypal.

Here are the features of Razorpay:

  1. It offers Business as well as Personal Account options just like Paypal.
  2. Is available in almost several countries
  3. It is free to setup and have no AMC just like Paypal.
  4. More importantly, it has low transaction fees.

Signup here for free with Razorpay


I personally use Payoneer wherever I can in place of Paypal, since they fill up the Paypal’s gap well.

Tell us which one do you use??

The post Paypal Alternatives for Receiving Online Payments appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

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खुद से वेबसाइट कैसे बनाएं Sun, 19 Jun 2022 06:10:03 +0000 एक वेबसाइट बनाना एक थकाऊ काम होने लगता है, जब तक आपको इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी नहीं होती है कि आप इसे किस तरह से बनाना शुरू कर सकते हैं। लोग आम तौर पर अपनी वेबसाइट डिजाइन करने के लिए एक वेबसाइट डिजाइनर चुनते हैं। हाँ, यह करना अच्छा है, फिर भी आपको यह […]

The post खुद से वेबसाइट कैसे बनाएं appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

एक वेबसाइट बनाना एक थकाऊ काम होने लगता है, जब तक आपको इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी नहीं होती है कि आप इसे किस तरह से बनाना शुरू कर सकते हैं। लोग आम तौर पर अपनी वेबसाइट डिजाइन करने के लिए एक वेबसाइट डिजाइनर चुनते हैं।

हाँ, यह करना अच्छा है, फिर भी आपको यह जानना ज़रूरी है कि अपनी वेबसाइट तैयार करने के लिए बुनियादी कदम क्या हैं, ताकि आप अच्छी तरह जानते हों कि आपका डिज़ाइनर आपको किस चार्ज कर रहा है और कितना समय लगता है ।

या, यदि आप अपनी वेबसाइट को खुद तैयार करने के लिए तैयार हैं, इसे पढ़ने के बाद आपको पता चल जाएगा कि इस प्रक्रिया को कैसे शुरू किया जाए ।

खुद से वेबसाइट कैसे बनाएं? ( how to build a website? )

चरण 1:

आपका पहला कदम जो आपको करना है, वह अपनी पसंद का डोमेन नाम जानने के लिए है जो आपके ब्लॉग / व्यवसाय के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त है।

चरण 2:

दूसरा कदम यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि आपका डोमेन नाम एक वेब होस्टिंग खाते की तरफ इशारा कर रहा है। वेब होस्टिंग आपकी आवश्यकता के अनुसार ली जानी चाहिए।

उदाहरण के लिए:

  • लिनक्स / विंडोज साझा वेब होस्टिंग ( Linux/Windows Shared Web hosting ) – अगर आपको लगता है कि आपकी वेबसाइट को शुरुआत से ही भारी ट्रैफिक नहीं होने दिया जाएगा
  • क्लाउड आधारित वेब होस्टिंग ( Cloud based web Hosting  ) – उच्च और परिवर्तनीय यातायात वाली वेबसाइटों के लिए उपयुक्त (ज्यादातर ब्लॉग और ई-वाणिज्य वेबसाइट।)
  • वर्चुअल प्राइवेट सर्वर ( Virtual Private Server ) – भारी ट्रैफिक प्राप्त करने वाले वेबसाइटों के लिए यह अच्छा है
  • समर्पित / प्रबंधित सर्वर ( Dedicated/ Managed Server ) – समर्पित सर्वर बड़े यातायात को संभालने के लिए होते हैं, ई-कॉमर्स पूरी तरह से काम करने वाले वेबसाइटों के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ।

Itsmydomain शुरुआती लोगों के लिए एक बढ़िया विकल्प है, क्योंकि यह आपको सबसे बुनियादी वेब होस्टिंग योजना से शुरू करने का विकल्प देता है और फिर किसी भी समय आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार उच्च योजनाओं में अपग्रेड करता है।

चरण 3: अपनी वेबसाइट के निर्माण के लिए सही ढांचा चुनें

  1. Weebly के DIY का उपयोग करें (Do It Yourself) वेबसाइट बिल्डर:
    Weebly आपको अपनी वेबसाइट को DIY वेबसाइट बिल्डर के साथ बनाने का सबसे आसान तरीका प्रदान करता है, इसके लिए वेब डिजाइनिंग कौशल, कोई कोडिंग और कोई थकाऊ दिखने वाले काम की आवश्यकता नहीं है। आपको बस इतना करना है कि सिर्फ 1500+ themes में से कोई थीम चुनें और फिर drag and drop करें।

2. Impressly वेबसाइट बिल्डर का उपयोग करें: वेबसाइट की तरह एक ऐप जल्दी बनाएं! बाजार में नवीनतम तकनीक का उपयोग करके, सोशल मीडिया सामग्री का उपयोग करें या अपनी साइट को सेटअप करने के लिए scratch से शुरू करें।

3. WordPress/ Joomla जैसे CMS का प्रयोग करें: यदि आपके पास कुछ तकनीकी ज्ञान हैं तो आप WordPress को अपनी वेबसाइट बनाने के लिए विकल्प चुन सकते हैं। यदि आपके पास डोमेन के साथ वेब होस्टिंग plan है, तो आप आसानी से अपनी खुद की वेबसाइट का निर्माण शुरू कर सकते हैं।

चरण 4:

वेबसाइट को सफलतापूर्वक डिजाइन करने के बाद वेबसाइट को वेब होस्टिंग खाते में अपलोड करें और आपकी वेबसाइट उपयोग करने के लिए तैयार है।

देखा? यह उतनी कठिन नहीं.. शेयर करें  फेसबुक और ट्विटर में..

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Dropshipping – How to find Reliable suppliers for Dropshipping Sun, 19 Jun 2022 05:18:52 +0000 Dropshipping is the easiest form of ecommerce business. Where one don’t need to store inventory, instead just have to forward the order to the supplier. Thus before starting a dropshipping business, one need to know how to find reliable suppliers for dropshipping business. Since suppliers are the backbone of dropshipping, we should focus well on […]

The post Dropshipping – How to find Reliable suppliers for Dropshipping appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

Dropshipping is the easiest form of ecommerce business. Where one don’t need to store inventory, instead just have to forward the order to the supplier. Thus before starting a dropshipping business, one need to know how to find reliable suppliers for dropshipping business.

Since suppliers are the backbone of dropshipping, we should focus well on finding the best suppliers out there before starting up. Otherwise, all your money and time will go to vain.

As per our research, we have found following reliable ways to find most reliable suppliers for dropshipping business.

Find Reliable suppliers for Dropshipping, through :


SaleHoo provides a wholesale supplier directory that connects dropshippers to suppliers. Suppliers from a variety of different niches. It is a well-known dropshipping marketplace along with others such as Alibaba.


An automation software curated for dropshipping with aliexpress with shopify and wix.
Get the whole list of suppliers and fetch their products directly to your store.


Discover best US and EU products and suppliers on spocket and dropship them easily


Oberlo is a shopify app that provides a whole directory of dropshipping suppliers, which you can directly fetch to your shopify store.


Its a plugin for woocommerce, where you can first find the suppliers on aliexpress website and fetch them to your woocommerce website with the help of this plugin.


It’s a directory of wholesale suppliers and dropship suppliers in USA. Database of 1800+ US Based dropship and wholesale business for eCommerce owners.


Doba is a marketplace of manufacturers and suppliers under one roof. With Doba, you can search through wholesale products in your niche and fetch them to your website on almost any platform.


It is a directory of 1 million products and suppliers, you can purchase from them and they handle the shipping. They have simplified the dropshipping for you, and one can import the products to their website too.

Worldwide Brands:

It is also a directory of wholesalers and dropshippers worldwide, they provide database for one time charge.

Wholesale Central:

Another directory of 1000 sellers, where you can find the products and suppliers of your niche. Since it is a directory, you can easily search according to your category.

Sunrise Wholesale:

It is a wholesaler marketplace with around 20k products. You can find and fetch products directly to your website.


MegaGoods is a distributor and dropshipper for wholesale home and appliances products such as clocks, kitchen items, televisions and more.


Inventory Source is a dropship network that provides access to around 200 suppliers and allows you to sync your inventory and auto-upload product data to your website.

National Dropshippers:

The mostly have metallic items to dropship, but have huge product database.

Before starting dropshipping business, we advise you to kindly go through all of them or at least most of them.

You must be prepared and sure about the supplier/suppliers with their product quality, dispatch time, delivery time and return policy before you start.

The greater the research you do before starting, higher will be your success rate and will go long term.

You can refer to these articles too:


The post Dropshipping – How to find Reliable suppliers for Dropshipping appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

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Free Shopify apps to start a successful Dropshipping Business Sun, 19 Jun 2022 01:43:12 +0000 Shopify offers a wide range of paid and free apps to start a successful dropshipping business, but it takes hours to choose the right ones out of them for your store. After reading this article you’d have saved at least half of those hours you would have been spending on app research. Shopify’s app store has […]

The post Free Shopify apps to start a successful Dropshipping Business appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

Shopify offers a wide range of paid and free apps to start a successful dropshipping business, but it takes hours to choose the right ones out of them for your store.

After reading this article you’d have saved at least half of those hours you would have been spending on app research.

Shopify’s app store has apps related to every other site functionality you are looking for your store, whether it is social media marketing, push notifications, apps for collecting customer reviews and so on..

So let’s not waste much of time and get going with the list you came looking for..

Free shopify apps to start a successful dropshipping business:

1. Trust Hero – Trust Badges

trust hero

Before starting an online store the first thing that you should focus on is customer’s trust. And that builds up with additional security features & payment options that you offer to your customers on your website and promising them a secure transaction with a Trust Badge.

And the Trust Hero- Trust Badge can help you achieve that. What this app does is it will create and display payment badges on your product pages, so that your site visitors feel more assured that their information and transactions are well protected.

And this is the most basic thing that most of the dropshippers lack these days, as they are unaware of the fact that people can’t pay you for whatever you are selling until they trust you. Building trust and faith is the foremost principle of running a successful dropshipping shopify store.

2. Product Reviews


Product reviews are not the second step, but the second most important thing to keep in mind for running a successful dropshipping business on Shopify.

What most of the sellers and dropshippers don’t understand while selling stuffs online is.. people are buying online just looking at the product image, reading description and bit of trust on your site. But there’s one more thing that affects the buying pattern most is customer reviews on the product.

According to an eMarketer report around 98% potential customers or site users look at them and consider them before they make a buying decision.

Using this app you can encourage your buyers for a feedback which subsequently will help build more trust and prove usability of your product by adding customer reviews to your products.

3. Oberlo


Oberlo is the goldmine for the dropshippers. This single app will provide you with all the dropshipping suppliers to source the products you wanted to sell and when you get an order you can fulfill it directly through your supplier through Oberlo. Your suppliers will ship the product to your customers for you. There’s no need to worry about packaging or shipping it yourself.

Oberlo is the key to the success of any dropshipping store running on Shopify.

4. Kit

kit shopify app
Source – Shopify

After starting a Shopify Store, what’s next thing to do is to bring in site visitors and convert them into valuable buyers. This is done mostly by digital marketing.

If you are a digital marketer fine! but if you are not you can not success without it.

This app is like a virtual digital marketer helping you run your Facebook ads, email marketing campaigns, and get performance updates. Powered by artificial intelligence, it will help you find potential buyers on Facebook and Instagram, and send them targeted “messaging and offers” at the right time. Kit even works while you sleep.

5. Order Printer

order printer

This app allows you to customize your invoices and helps you set and print it in bulk. Though it is not so much applicable to a dropshipping shopify store, but for shopify’s ecommerce stores. Though it can be helpful if you want to maintain your invoices and account books properly.

6. SEO Site Audit, Benchmark Hero

source – shopify

This app is basically your virtual SEO guy that tells you the stats of your website’s SEO, helps improve visibility on Google, and tells you about why and what pages are underperforming and why, so that you can fix them and make the SEO work for your conversions.

7. Printful

source – shopify

This app is like a sibling to Oberlo for print on demand products. What it does is, it syncs with your shopify store for t-shirts, mugs and other print on demand products and when an order comes, printful will print and fulfill it on your behalf to your customers,

Using this app you can start your print on demand dropshipping business, which is something different kinda dropshipping business and have higher chances of success too just because you will be doing something different.

8. Klaviyo

source – Shopify

It is a marketing automation software that connects to your Shopify store, and builds automated email sequences, target campaigns based on buying behavior, and get rich customer data to boost your overall marketing strategy.

This app is must for your successful dropshipping shopify business for maintaining and boosting sales.

9. PushOwl

push owl
Source – Shopify

What it does is it recovers your abandoned carts by push messaging. And increases sales, when you have high number of visitors but less conversion rate.

Low conversion rates dues to cart abandoning is something which almost every other ecommerce business faces and using this app to increase your conversion rate can be quite helpful for increasing sales.

10. Rewards and Referrals by Swell

Source Shopify

This app provides you an option to offer your loyal customer with reward points. It also provides options for referral reward points. Which can help you boost your sales by referral marketing.

11. Compass

Source – Shopify

Compass hels you analyze your ecommerce metrics for your shopify store and compares it against your potential competitors. Helps you give right marketing direction.

12. Upsell and Cross-sell Products

upsell and cross sell products
Source – Shopify

It is a great art to increase your cart size every time a buyer reaches your checkout page.

It basically offers customers related products to the one they are already buying so as to increase the no of products in the cart. It is used by every other successful ecommerce business worldwide.

13. UserGems

Source – Shopify

This app makes it easier for you to find influencers among your customer base who are actively promoting your brand and have an established, engaged audience.

This app will send you a notification about influential customers who are sharing about your brand, and you can kick off a deeper relationship from there.

If you are unaware of influencer marketing you must start reading about it because, majority of brands and even dropshippers these days are utilizing this domain to bring in brand reputation as well as repeating customers.

14. Sales Notification by MPS

sales notification
Source – Shopify

This app uses social proof to show users which products others have bought. This helps widely to build trust with your brand to encourage sales by showing potential customers what past customers have purchased.

Remember what i said in this article before?? TRUST.. it is the key to every ecommerce businesses’ success.

15. Tidio Live Chat

tidio live chat
Source – Shopify

Though I have listed it in the last, but this one is most important for every dropshipping and even every online store to connect directly with your customer in real time.

Live chat is one of the best ways to do that. Through this you are available to your customer’s query in real time and that quick answers build trust in customers’ mind. And this is what is needed to make huge sales.

Shopify’s app store have thousands of apps that you can explore as per your need. We have just tried to simplify your search and save your time.

If you have used some other apps and have proved to be part of your success, feel free to share it with us.

If you haven’t signed up with Shopify yet you can do that here.

Wishing you a great success in your venture. happy Selling! 🙂

The post Free Shopify apps to start a successful Dropshipping Business appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

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Best Payment Gateway In India For Small Business Thu, 09 Jun 2022 18:16:55 +0000 Payment Gateway is the most crucial part of any small – medium – large scale online business these days. In India, after the Indian Govt’s push for taking the economy and majority of transactions online to bring-in transparency, we all need to know now how a payment gateway works, and who provides the best payment […]

The post Best Payment Gateway In India For Small Business appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

Payment Gateway is the most crucial part of any small – medium – large scale online business these days. In India, after the Indian Govt’s push for taking the economy and majority of transactions online to bring-in transparency, we all need to know now how a payment gateway works, and who provides the best payment gateway in India for receiving online payments for your small or big business.

Best Payment Gateway For Small Business

1). CCAvenue

CCAvenue is one of the best payment gateways, available for all sizes of businesses.

It is free to use for the 1st year hence your customers will be paying 2.0% per transaction as TDR. Furthermore, after 1 year you will have to pay INR 1200/- per financial year as an annual maintenance charge.

It is easy to integrate with your apps and websites, it provides you several options like customizable checkout cart, where you can add your own logo and contact details so that the payment page looks like a part of your website itself.

Process of setting up and documentation takes around 4-7 days and you can start collecting payments online onwards.

Best for Sole Proprietors, Partnership firms, LLP as well as for Pvt Ltd.

2). Razorpay

It was started by some IITians, and no wonder they have always got their name in to the lime light due to their innovations in technology and ofcourse just because it was started by IITians again 😉

Previously their integration process was the most tedious task to perform, but with time they have improved in everything now.

Now you can collect payment on whatsapp, sms, email, QR, or literally through any method easily. And with these changes they have become my new favourite and pushed Instamojo in simplicity towards second spot now!

3). PayTM

PayTM has recently started its service of online payment gateway, but the best thing is it is easiest to integrate. They charge TDR of 1.99% per transaction.

You can even send and receive payments via PayTM app through just your mobile number.

Best for all sizes of businesses, most suitable for the small businesses.

4). PayuMoney

Part of PayuBiz, Payumoney is also easy to integrate payment gateway, whose support is undoubtedly excellent. You will get a dedicated account manager even after you signup with them.

There process is simple and integration is simplest. They have options of integration for all the carts and platforms.

Best for all business sizes.

5). Paypal

This American payment gateway provider is the most easy to use, easy to integrate in addition it is ready to start receiving and sending payments online worldwide, even in several currencies.

All you have to do is to signup with Paypal, fill up your business details in their form and add the bank account details.

After doing this you will receive 2 unique amounts between INR 1to INR 2 in your bank account with them. And you just have to enter those 2 amounts in the paypal dashboard to verify it’s your bank account.

And you are all set to receive payments online, that too in several currencies.

Best for small and medium scale Global Businesses.

6). Instamojo

Instamojo is not that big in the market but no doubt they have come up with the most easiest way to collect payment.

Moreover with Instamojo you can even collect payment by sending link through whatsapp, facebook, instagram or even emails.

It is the best payment gateway in India for small businesses for start collecting payments online since it requires no IT skill at all to setup.

Best for small and medium scale businesses.

How payment gateways work?

Payment gateways make you their submerchant hence letting you start receiving online payments by providing their secure website and IT infrastructure.

In return of which you have to either pay them per transaction amount or annual fixed charge or both.

Process Involved:

Drop your queries in the comment box and also let us know if you have find any other payment gateways better than these mentioned.

Do not forget to SHARE

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How to Start an Online Business without any Technical Skill Thu, 09 Jun 2022 15:30:54 +0000 There are several ideas out there waiting to be converted into successful online business ventures. But most of the ideas remain untapped, just because people don’t know how to start an online business when they have no technical skill but just an idea. Most of the people lack technical skills and they either end up […]

The post How to Start an Online Business without any Technical Skill appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

There are several ideas out there waiting to be converted into successful online business ventures. But most of the ideas remain untapped, just because people don’t know how to start an online business when they have no technical skill but just an idea.

Most of the people lack technical skills and they either end up wasting time gaining skills or they don’t start it at all.

I often meet people who come up with awesome business ideas, but they lack technical skills. And what I suggest them every time, is what I am gonna tell my blog readers today.

I have a habit of updating my knowledge about latest technology advancements and service providers around the world that are literally changing the way of doing business.

And I am going to tell you, what are your options if you have an idea to start a business (especially online business) but you do not know how to start it.

How to Start an Online Business if you do not have any technical skill ?

The broader answer to this question is to go with ecommerce platforms to get your store online.

Ecommerce platforms basically provide you all the necessary services required to start an online store, like ecommerce website, ssl certificates, payment collection system or payment gateways, shipping solutions and store management software etc.

And these platforms resolves your problem of setting up an online store and helps you throughout to create business and turn your idea into successful venture.

There are plenty of ecommerce platforms out there. like shopifybigcommerceshopio, kartrocket, storehippo and several others like them.

But before I tell you which one is better for your business, let me first guide you step by step about the things required to start an online business, if one does not choose to go with any ecommerce platform.

Step 1: You need to buy a domain name or simply we call it a website name (

Step 2: Need to buy a web hosting plan suitable as per your business requirement

Step 3: Find a web developer to build an online store for you, which costs $20/hr to $100/hr

Step 4: Need to find payment gateway solution to start collecting online payments on your website

Step 5: Finalize products/services and a proper methodalogy to start selling them online

Step 6: Find a way to deliver product or services on time, through proper channel

Step 7: Finalize methods to market and SEOs/SEM your brand

And these are the things which these ecommerce platforms provide you in one go and for better prices per month, that too with customer support and business creation tips.

Now is the time to tell you which one is cheaper and which one is better overall

Which is the best ecommerce platform to start an online venture ?

The cheapest among all is Shopio, whose prices starts from $19.95/mo. And you can start your trial for 14 days for free with them.

The Second option among these is Shopify, whose prices start from $29/mo and have similar 14 days free trial option.

Rest of them are costlier than these two, and for providing similar services, so I am not even trying to tell you why you should choose them.

Among Shopio and Shopify, the more sensible plans are of Shopio, since they just offer you, what is all required at particular stage of business as per their pricing-plan divisions and not just brag about offering something for unlimited.

Also, I found Shopio more simpler and easy to use as compared to shopify.

On the other hand Shopify has more themes and plugins available, so you can customize your webstore with more options.

Still I would suggest you to go with Shopio, since it is much easier and better for starting an online store for beginners and people who have lesser knowledge of store creation. In addition to that, you will be paying lesser amount per month, which is an essential thing for a startup to cut cost.

If you have any reviews or comments, feel free to share them with us in the comment box below.

Share max with your friends looking to start an online store.

The post How to Start an Online Business without any Technical Skill appeared first on Paraamarsh Business Blog.

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